1. Dublin, Ireland

Regarding Halloween parties in Europe, Dublin is among the finest. Remember that Halloween has its roots in Ireland. Samhain is a Celtic festival that, before Halloween, served as its inspiration. While celebrating Halloween in its modern form is fun, reflecting on the holiday’s history and appreciating its transformation into something entirely different is always interesting.
The whole island of Ireland creates an electric environment for Halloween, but Dublin is where you’ll find some of the best parties. The Irish know how to enjoy Halloween, as seen by the many celebrations held in their honor.
2. Edinburgh, Scotland

3. London, England

4. Limoges, France

5. Transylvania, Romania

Without Transylvania, this would hardly be a list of the top Halloween vacation spots in the world. Transylvania is not just one of Romania’s most beautiful areas but also the birthplace of the tale of Count Dracula. Transylvania is home to many intriguing tales, fascinating people, and historic castles that appear straight out of a horror movie.
While Halloween isn’t often celebrated in Romania, Europe’s “vampire stronghold” provides the perfect setting for a terrifying Halloween adventure. Bran Castle, Rasnov Fortress, Teleki Mansion, and the infamous Hoia Baciu Forest are four of the world’s deadliest places to spend Halloween (a supposedly haunted forest where several UFO sightings were spotted, according to witnesses).
6. City of the dead, Russia

Dargavs, an Ossetian community, may at first seem to be a picture-perfect little town, but upon closer inspection, you’ll quickly realize that something’s not quite right. Each stunning mansion is the last resting place for a whole Ossetian family. Skeletons may be seen stacked neatly in every homeroom if you stroll around the town.
Local historians place the construction of these so-called “tombs” to the time the plague swept through the community a few hundred years ago. Some individuals waited in the family crypt until their death, knowing that nobody would be there to bury them, although many had already perished.